Friday, December 18, 2009

Now Sensei...

It is not written anywhere that Sensei need to be nice. In fact, good students are those who do not feel bad when they receive a response for their shoddy work that is other than "positive reinforcement".

But, Sensei does need to be considerate to his students. He does need to be positive and reinforce good actions.

But, how is the student going to realize the seriousness of REALLY trying to get better or efficiently learn something without wasting everyone's time. "lighting a fire under your butt" sometimes accelerates the learning curve when it is apparent that the student is just being lazy. Constant positive reinforcement of laziness is going yield in more laziness.

A little sarcasm and a little pushiness and other wise slightly negative reinforcement lets the student know that there is a degree of seriousness required of him. The seriousness does not necessarily need to be emphasized in order to demand more respect for the teacher...which is often the case. The teacher brings the seriousness to the table to let the student know that it is their responsibility to BE SERIOUS... without the teacher always HAVING to push them. This is the beginning of self-discipline, self-respect, and integrity.

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