Wednesday, December 23, 2009


In reading "Musashi: His Life and Writings", I've learned something interesting about the training methodology of our completely unrelated Motobu Udundi.

In the book, there are excerpts of a Kendo Sensei's writings on how he relates the study of Musashi's "single cadence strike" to kendo. The author then does his best to translate some of the esoteric material into English.

Regardless, the talk of the relationship between your right and left sides, how the cadence is different with only a single hand weapon in your right hand, how that translates into having a two handed weapon, how the diagonal tension between the upper and lower body relates to cadence, maai, and speed/ timing, and the tanden/ koshi is all quite eerie when considering the esoteric training practices of Motobu Udundi. This will require some time and thought. I love finding something new to dive into.

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